A flip-flop parenting pair urges their children to emulate a certain GOP presidential candidate in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It."
Thanks to my friend Mark for the idea!
The cartoons and writings of Greater Boston gadfly Rich Tenorio.
A flip-flop parenting pair urges their children to emulate a certain GOP presidential candidate in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It."
Thanks to my friend Mark for the idea!
The Occupy Boston protesters have been evicted from Dewey Square, with some being booked by the local constabulary. Satan and his corporate pals bid adieu to the movement in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It."
Looks like Mass. Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren has a 4-point lead over incumbent Republican Scott Brown. Perhaps she could have had more, save for a sneaky tryptophan trick by Satan, in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!