A flip-flop parenting pair urges their children to emulate a certain GOP presidential candidate in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It."
Thanks to my friend Mark for the idea!
The cartoons and writings of Greater Boston gadfly Rich Tenorio.
A flip-flop parenting pair urges their children to emulate a certain GOP presidential candidate in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It."
Thanks to my friend Mark for the idea!
The Occupy Boston protesters have been evicted from Dewey Square, with some being booked by the local constabulary. Satan and his corporate pals bid adieu to the movement in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It."
Looks like Mass. Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren has a 4-point lead over incumbent Republican Scott Brown. Perhaps she could have had more, save for a sneaky tryptophan trick by Satan, in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Now that the Occupy Wall Street movement has been removed from Zuccotti Park, Satan would like to see a different group of Wall Street "occupiers" evicted in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
It's been a crazy few weeks. Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren claimed she inspired Occupy Wall Street ... Rep. Michele Bachmann accused President Obama of starting wars in "Libya and Africa" during a recent Republican presidential debate ... all just in time for Halloween in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Oh, what a tangled web former Sen. Rick Santorum spun for three rivals at this week's Republican presidential debate. Santorum accused Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and Rick Perry of all backing TARP. Read more in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Occupy Wall Street demonstrator Frank Faust gets a bit more than he bargained for when he stops by Mephistopheles' mansion to protest in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
The "Occupy Boston" protesters have camped out in Dewey Square to protest economic inequality, taking a page from the "Occupy Wall Street" playbook in New York. While Satan eggs on the corporate Goliath to face them, it looks like demonstrator David is well-rested for a struggle, in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Texas Gov. Rick Perry is circling his wagons. His fellow conservatives lambaste him for his stumbling syntax in debates, and for his softness on illegal immigration. One hundred seventy-five years after the Alamo, is it Perry's turn to make his last political stand? Find out in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It!"
Merci to my muse for suggesting I actually look at a photo of the Alamo before drawing it.
While much of the United Kingdom has condemned the sight of 8-year-olds fighting in cages, Satan feels that the Republican presidential candidates should take a page from their playbook, in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
A group in the town of Brookline, Mass., wants to ban the Pledge of Allegiance in the public schools -- 10 years after 9/11, no less. Yet Satan thinks this is right in line with sound capitalist principles in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
We're almost 10 years into the Afghan War and it has yielded some good results, like the death of Osama bin Laden. On the other hand, the Taliban are still cashing in on the opium crop. Into this situation steps Sen. Scott Brown in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Frank Faust wants to catch the preseason Patriots football game but his West Highland White Terrier prefers to hang out by the fire hydrant. What's a football fan to do? Satan offers a solution in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"! Guest-starring Michael Vick.
Suppose you're a parent of an English youth who's been caught rioting -- on the BBC, say. Would you turn him/her in? Satan takes a trip "across the pond" to advise Francis Faust what to do with young Frederick in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Looks like Texas Gov. Rick Perry will two-step right into the 2012 GOP nomination. Is there anything Mitt Romney can do to stop him? Read more in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Well, the debt-ceiling bill has finally passed -- with help from MA Sen. Scott Brown, one of the Republicans who voted for it in the Senate. Satan explores the nuances of his vote in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
An infamous trio has been in the news lately. Casey Anthony was released from prison on Saturday ... Michael Vick talked about dogfighting to Congress ... and Rupert Murdoch dodged pies and allegations. What's in the cards for all three? Read more in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
One thing the media keeps forgetting to tell us about this $14 trillion debt-ceiling problem is who exactly we owe it to. China, yes. Japan, yes. But also Americans who took out bonds. Satan has a simple suggestion for these American bondholders in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has thrown down the gauntlet to President Obama. She says that unlike him, she won't use a teleprompter if elected in 2012. Satan urges Obama to follow her lead in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann officially entered the GOP presidential field this week. Yet does this represent a LeBron-style betrayal of her mentor Sarah Palin, who also may harbor presidential ambitions? Read more in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
The Boston Bruins are pro hockey's Stanley Cup champions ... and the Devil thinks ex-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney can follow their lead in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Satan tells embattled New York Congressman Anthony Weiner not to give up the ship in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
President Obama recently visited the auld sod of Ireland ... and Satan was there to offer him a lucky four-leaf clover in exchange for completing three tasks. Read more in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Today is May 21, 2011, which some folks would have us believe is the Rapture and the end of the world. But how exactly will it happen? The Devil has all the answers in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
We've seen plenty of over-the-top celebrations over the years, George Bush's aircraft-carrier landing predominant among them. Now that Navy SEALs have taken out Osama bin Laden, how will President Obama respond? That's the question asked in this week's "Devil Made Me Blog It."
Does Osama bin Laden's death mean "The End of Terrorism," just as the fall of the Berlin Wall meant "The End of History"? Satan wants to find out in the latest edition of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
The nuclear crisis in Japan emerges as God's biggest test to date in this Earth Day cartoon.
Donald Trump has shaken up Campaign 2012 with his smears about President Obama's birth certificate. Does this qualify "The Donald" to be on "2012 Dirty Tricks Apprentice"? Find out in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Satan suggests that when House Speaker John Boehner shuts down the government, he should leave room for a few exemptions in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
One has earned fame as the leader of a world religious movement ... the other has earned infamy as a voice of the Tea Party Movement. Siddhartha and Sarah cross paths during the latter's trip to India in the latest edition of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Massachusetts' two US Senators were both front and center in different venues on Sunday. Democrat John Kerry went on "Meet the Press" to sound statesmanlike about Libya ... while Republican Scott Brown went to the St. Patrick's Day Breakfast to tweak his fellow Bay State pols.
Who suggested the Sunday destinations to the two senators? Maybe it was the fellow in the background playing the Uilleann pipes ... in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Satan wonders whether it was a good idea to use nuclear power in Japan given the country's current crisis, in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It."
President Obama reaches out to Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) on health care in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Apologies to Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel.
The Devil urges Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker to give one last push in his quest to topple his state's public unions in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Satan journeys into the realm of the ancient Egyptian gods -- the falcon god Horus, the cat god Bastet and the jackal god Anubis among them -- to try to bail out the modern Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Things sure look tough for embattled Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak. Satan and Frank Faust ponder his -- and Egypt's -- fate in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
There have been several instances of grass-roots tensions lately. One, of course, is the Jasmine Revolution that ousted Tunisian dictator Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali earlier this month. Another is Sarah Palin's slam of President Obama's State of the Union address this week. Satan sees some similarities in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Was it a good idea for President Obama to lavishly welcome Chinese leader Hu Jintao at the White House this week, with a sumptuous dinner and a guest list that included Barbara Streisand? Satan joins in those saying "Ni hao" to China in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!
Even the Devil is moved to tears by the recent shootings in Tucson, Arizona, in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It."
My sympathies go out to those touched by the tragedy.
President Obama has signed the START Treaty with Russia ... but Satan thinks war with Mother Russia would be a better way to begin the New Year in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!