Welcome to the first installment of my weekly R&R ... only this R&R stands for "Ruminations and Reflections." I'd like to make this a Wednesday feature. Here goes:
At sunset on Tuesday, my muse and I went to an interfaith event at Harvard University. Muslim students had an opportunity to hear the
Iftar prayers recited during the month of Ramadan. About 50 students came to worship. After the service, everyone got to sample Middle Eastern cuisine. Members of student cultural groups performed in concert, and then the audience listened to an address from
Sally Quinn, founder and co-moderator of the "On Faith" blog hosted by Newsweek and the Washington Post. Quinn reflected on the role of religion in contemporary culture, criticizing right-wing fundamentalism and encouraging students to learn more about religion in general.
I appreciated that Harvard made room for religion; it's a subject on which the United States needs to stay up-to-date.