Friday, October 31, 2008

Scary spells in Salem

Halloween Cartoon
Originally uploaded by rbtenorio

Happy Halloween, everyone! To celebrate, Mephistopheles and his liberal pal take a break from politics and go trick-or-treating in a most apropos locale -- Salem, Massachusetts -- in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"The Devil Made Me Blog It" comic book update

The Devil Made Me Blog it
Originally uploaded by rbtenorio

"The Devil Made Me Blog It" is enjoying a successful opening week as a comic book. It debuted at five stores in the greater Boston area.
On Tuesday night, my muse and I, along with friends, celebrated the release at a party at Hub Comics. Thanks to all who came, as well as to the folks at Hub Comics who allowed us to hold the party there.
On Sunday, Nov. 2, I will be exhibiting the book and selling copies at the Boston Comic Con in the Back Bay. Stay tuned for more news! And enjoy a look at the cover page! If you'd like to purchase copies, please contact me at

Monday, October 27, 2008

"The Devil Made Me Blog It" is now a comic book!

Just in time for Halloween and Election Day, Rich Tenorio's Web comic "The Devil Made Me Blog It" has made its print debut as a comic book. "The Devil Made Me Blog It" has appeared in print form in five locations in the greater Boston area -- and potentially more! 
 A compilation of Tenorio's weekly blog postings plus heretofore-unseen samples from his sketchbooks, "The Devil Made Me Blog It" chronicles the 2008 presidential saga to date -- from Barack Obama and John McCain choosing their vice presidents to the subsequent presidential debates to the accompanying dramas of the Iraq War and the economic crisis.
 "The Devil Made Me Blog It" is currently sold at the following locations:
 Hub Comics, 19 Bow Street, Somerville, MA 02143 / (617) 718-0987 /
Comicazi, 407 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA 02144 / (617) 666-2664 /
The Million Year Picnic, 99 Mt. Auburn Street (downstairs), Cambridge, MA 02138 / (617) 492-6763
New England Comics, 14A Eliot Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 / (617) 354-5352
Harrison's Comics & Collectibles, 252 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 / (978) 741-0786
 Read "The Devil Made Me Blog It" each week at For more info, please email

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Volunteering for McCain -- I'm Lovin' It

McDonald's Cartoon
Originally uploaded by rbtenorio

McCain and McDonald's -- these are the two themes Satan tries to tie together, using his liberal friend's fondness for both the Arizona senator and a No. 2 value meal (Quarter Pounder with cheese) in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"! Merci to my muse for suggesting a Red Sox connection as well. I got the poll numbers from RealClearPolitics.

PS - On a serious note, my best wishes go out to Barack Obama for his grandmother's health.

Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain's fix-it man

Joe the Plumber Cartoon
Originally uploaded by rbtenorio

John McCain has a new buddy, Joe the Plumber, whom the senator talked about so much at the last presidential debate with Barack Obama on Wednesday. Does Joe translate into working-class appeal for McCain? Find out in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

State and community colleges need support

The political leaders of my home state of Massachusetts -- Gov. Deval Patrick, Senate President Therese Murray, and House Speaker Sal DiMasi -- want to make budget cuts due to a worsening economic situation. One area that could be affected is state and community colleges.
Budget cuts, which Patrick will announce at 5 p.m. today, "could trigger ... tuition hikes at public colleges and universities," the Boston Globe reports. "(Higher) education administrators are scrambling to reduce spending after receiving word from state officials that their subsidies will be cut by an estimated 5.6 percent."
Patrick, Murray and DiMasi should leave state and community colleges untouched. The young people of Massachusetts, whose parents may face uncertain job prospects, need affordable educational venues. Attending the University of Massachusetts at Amherst or Bunker Hill Community College keeps tuition bills down -- and increases the likelihood that undergraduate talent will stay in Massachusetts after graduating. The fact that state and community colleges offer such excellent academic centers as the William Monroe Trotter Institute for the Study of Black History and Culture at UMass-Boston is an added incentive.
I call on Patrick, Murray, and DiMasi to avoid making any cuts to this vital section of the state budget, and encourage anyone else so concerned to do the same.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A red October for McCain

Foliage Cartoon
Originally uploaded by rbtenorio

Autumn is a season of change, and Lucifer likes the latest change in Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign. Yet is McCain's seeming abandonment of negative politics for real? After all, it was only a few days ago that he made his latest careless remark about Sen. Barack Obama. Find out more in a foliage-themed episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Obama tru$tworthy on economy?

Obama Economy Cartoon
Originally uploaded by rbtenorio

In the presidential debate with Sen. John McCain on Tuesday night, Sen. Barack Obama came across as compassionate in discussing the economic crisis with members of the audience. Does this qualify him to lead our nation? Mephistopheles thinks not in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain impresses on foreign policy

Sen. John McCain closed his presidential debate with Sen. Barack Obama Tuesday night on a strong note, sounding experienced, realistic, and occasionally witty on foreign policy.
"(You) have to temper your decisions with the ability to beneficially affect the situation and realize you're sending America's most precious asset, American blood, into harm's way," McCain said. "I know those situations. I've been in them all my life. And I can tell you right now the security of your young men and women who are serving in the military are my first priority right after our nation's security."
McCain preached pursuit of Osama bin Laden and congratulated himself for supporting the surge in Iraq -- neither a surprising stance. Yet he also showed thoughtfulness. When moderator Tom Brokaw asked whether he thought Russia under Vladimir Putin was an evil empire, McCain replied, "Maybe," then clarified: "Depends on how we respond to Russia and it depends on a lot of things. If I say yes, then that means that we're reigniting the old Cold War. If I say no, it ignores their behavior."
Humor and nuance, both welcome. Obama, by contrast, sounded naive at times, such as when he said, "I believe that we should have direct talks -- not just with our friends, but also with our enemies -- to deliver a tough, direct message to Iran that, if you don't change your behavior, then there will be dire consequences."
Economic issues are dominating the headlines lately. Yet if you think that foreign policy, and not ecomonic, issues will dominate the term of the next president, McCain looked like the better candidate on Tuesday night.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sarah Palin and Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur Cartoon
Originally uploaded by rbtenorio

Starting on Wednesday evening, Jews across the world (including myself) will celebrate the holiday of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which lasts until Thursday night. This gives us a chance to start the New Year of 5769 by atoning for our sins before God ... including the political "sin" of liking a certain vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin! Read more in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"! Guest-starring God.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Be Sensitive, Support Sarah Palin

Palin Cartoon
Originally uploaded by rbtenorio

What's the best way to convince a liberal to support Sarah Palin? Make an appeal to their sensitive side! In the wake of the Palin-Joe Biden vice presidential debate, this is Satan's tactic in the latest episode of "The Devil Made Me Blog It"!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why Congress bucked the bailout

Looks like it's easier to convince Congress to get into Iraq than it is to get us out of an economic crisis.
President Bush's bailout bill failed in the House on Tuesday, so today it's the Senate's turn to vote on an aid package. Why is this slam dunk becoming an airball? Or, for non-sports fans, why are our Congressmen and women refusing to go along with Bush when he had such an easy time convincing the legislative branch to go to war with Iraq in 2002?
I'd say that the House, at least, has displayed more partisanship -- on both the left and the right -- in recent years. Those who voted against the bailout bill on Tuesday include not only hard-core right-wingers like Texas Rep. Ron Paul and California Congressman Duncan Hunter, but also such progressive phenoms as Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Carol Shea-Porter of New Hampshire.
Congressmen and women aren't so willing anymore to abandon their principles for their party and/or president. But is this demonstration of principle may lead us into as disastrous a spot as the result of the pragmatism of 2002.